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"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Matthew 18:20 ESV

The following is a list of the different ministries at Central Baptist Church (CBC)



Woman with Bible

Intercessory Prayer



Set the tone for an unforgettable worship experience by creating a hospitable atmosphere when greeting members and guests at services. This ministry also serves meals and refreshments at special events for CBC members and guests.

The members of Central Baptist Church recognize the need for corporate prayer time. We invite those that wish to join us on Wednesdays at 9 am & 8 pm (EST) to come together via conference call and pray.

The mission of the Ushers is to orderly and systematically seat guests, as well as assist with the collection of offerings.

Kid Playing with Wooden Toys

Nursery Ministry

Supportive Friend

Pastor's Aide Ministry

The Music Ministry provides music rendered unto God during all worship services.

The Nursery Ministry provides a supportive environment for families that need care for their children ages 12-36 months during Sunday morning worship services.

The Pastor's Aide Ministry supports Pastor Gary and Lady Laverne and their family with special events and other needs. They also provide comfort, prayer, support, and love to the pastor.


Prison Ministry

Church security.png

Safety and Traffic Control


Women's Ministry

How many of us take seriously Jesus' command to visit those in prison?
(Matthew 25:36) The Prison Ministry goes behind bars to minister to "the least of these"- preaching the Word of God, witnessing, and providing written correspondence.

Providing a safe and secure worship environment is a top priority to ensure that Central Baptist members and guests can fully enjoy the worship experience. Ministry members monitor what is happening inside and outside of the church.

The Wonder Women of Central ministry is designed to help women grow deeper and more intimate in their relationship with Christ. They learn how to love themselves and other women, and build relationships with one another as sisters in Christ.

Digital social media

Media Ministry

Writing Letters

Greeting Cards Ministry


Brotherhood Ministry

The Media Ministry records worship services and church-related events and promotes the gospel and advances Central's mission on platforms such as Facebook and YouTube.

Greeting cards are source of personal communication, kindness, and strength for Central's members. This ministry sends get-well, sympathy, and encouragement cards during times of need.

The Brotherhood ministry is designed to help men grow deeper in their personal relationship with Christ. Men are encouraged to learn from each other and build the bonds of brotherhood.

Serve: Get Involved
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